
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

WALT blending and shading use oil pastel media.
for the last few days me and my class have been making pastel art of a night sky
I  to use a compass or a protractor to do the moon then we Had to get the color
pastels and black pastels as well  as colored and then I got a white pastel and
drew the stars. Please comment on what I should do next time.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Today me and Kobe were learning to see what the diffracts is between a fake email and a real 1 like say you got a email and at the start it said your name it is probably not fake if it  has something like hi friend then it might be fake I did not say that we did it with are cyber smart 
recount:It was cool working with Kobe but I did not like the topic that much
have you ever got been in a scam please comment

Thursday, September 5, 2019


You're surrounded by zombies you don't know why they are after you and then you hear someone says
here have the weapon of your choice what will yours be?I 
My own will be a  creative mode like on mine craft because I will be able to fly and not die and stuff.

My first reason is because a will be able to fly so a can cet place is far far far far far away and say zombies
are like every where you can fly and then say get react bots and point the finger 

Reason 2 not die yeah so there are flying zombies I guess. They attack you because there zombies you fall
but you do not die because you can't.   

Reason 3 you can place things if you wanted a house get the mats for it out of your inventory.
And if you are good with a bow and arrow you can get infonet arrows. And then you can go
up to someone with a
poo bow and then give them a new good own and maybe rub it in their face a little.

Thank you for reading my story thing it will be nice if you commented you weapon of chose is bye
we were doing netiquette in cyber smart  if you have done something like this please comment   

Monday, August 26, 2019


 For art we were doing tessellation what is basically a joining shapes. we got a bit of card and then we made a shape at the bottom then cut it out then put it on the top then we got a bit of paper  and traced it on.
comment. if you have made any thing like this

Monday, August 19, 2019

we copied artists art and made are on version of it my artist was Katie Howard this was her art  
and this is my 1 it is dumb 

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Jim dine

 This is my tool, it is based of Jim Dine's abstract art. I tried to do a hammer. but it failed so I did a knife because it was better then the hammer because it has less different shapes. this is how I did it.
Step 1. do a outline with pencil
Step 2. go over it with charcoal.
Step 3. make a shadow around the knife
Step 4. do whatever more designs or things.

Have you done anything like this before?   

W.A.l.T about different camera shot's and angels

Today we learnt how to make a film and we did camera shots and angles with are cyber smart teacher we did the activity with pairs I did it with my friend because it would be to hard we did this activity for film making what we will attend later this year. My favourite angle was birds eye view I quite liked this experience because  of getting the camera and me  to the right place was a fun challenge we used  web cam toy to take the photos and used things around the school to get the angles

please comment if you have done this kind of thing before and give me some feed back or feed forwar thank you 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Gabriel merino

this is my art it is off based Gabriel merinos art so the first thing we did was do the out line then we did the inside like all the patterns then we coloured the patterns with a ball Point pen or a Vivid to make it black pen and if you did int see it is my face but side ways.

do you think it looks cool.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Riley write purpose W.A.L.T is to entertain and write a narrative

rugby league

rugby league
we have been playing rugby league for the last term we have learnt a drill called trucks and trailers and how to hold the ball and how different league is compered to normal rugby. League is a game that you can play touch or tackle. When you get tug or tackled you put the ball thru your legs and roll it back and then a dummy half and then the dummy half passes it to anther person then they have to run to the try line with out being tag or tackled and if you make it you have to put the ball on the ground then they have to run back to his or her team with the ball and kick it and then the anther team can have a go.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

my animation

we(Totara class) made animations with are Cyber smart teacher her name is Donner.I learnt to make stick men and to get images of thins and more we used google slids it was fun so prity much all you have to do is add stick men and move them and add voice boxes and more things

Wednesday, May 15, 2019