
Friday, May 29, 2020

Pointillism art

Pointillism art 

W.A.L.T learn how to make a apple using pointillism 
Pointillism art is one of my favorite type of art. Because I’m bad at line’s, So I was happy when my teacher said that we were making a apple using pointillism. Pointillism is a art style using dots to make objects instead of line’s. My teacher gave us a video to watch and copy it .
The first thing I did was make a outline for the apple and then I made the stem with the leaf. Then I went over the out line with a vivid but I did not use line I used dots because that was what we were meant to do since it was pointillism and then I colored in the leaf not with dots though because I thought that looked cool. Then I made the stem black because I thought it looked cool. Then I made more of a outline by putting more dots slightly to the inside. And that is how I made my pointillism apple.
This is my art 
Have you ever done a pointillism art


  1. Hey Riley, this look awesome. Next time when you are creating your blog maybe preview it and format it so it doesn't go off the screen. But besides this it looks quite good. Also remember not to couler it in. Any way if you would like you can check mine out by clicking the link in the class sight.
    -Charlie Lakin

  2. hey Riley this looks really good I like how the leaf is black in the centre.
    maybe next time try make the shape look more round, as long as you try your best its perfect. lol

  3. This is cool, nice use of a black pen but... the shape of it could use a bit of work. instead of watching the video for it Go on google and search up apple.

  4. Nice blog.
    Your grammar was on point and the font was a nice size. Also your apple looks great as well, but still on the apple the green leaf didn't sort of fit with the style with the vivid.
    But still a nice blog post.
