
Friday, May 29, 2020

Pointillism art

Pointillism art 

W.A.L.T learn how to make a apple using pointillism 
Pointillism art is one of my favorite type of art. Because I’m bad at line’s, So I was happy when my teacher said that we were making a apple using pointillism. Pointillism is a art style using dots to make objects instead of line’s. My teacher gave us a video to watch and copy it .
The first thing I did was make a outline for the apple and then I made the stem with the leaf. Then I went over the out line with a vivid but I did not use line I used dots because that was what we were meant to do since it was pointillism and then I colored in the leaf not with dots though because I thought that looked cool. Then I made the stem black because I thought it looked cool. Then I made more of a outline by putting more dots slightly to the inside. And that is how I made my pointillism apple.
This is my art 
Have you ever done a pointillism art

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

My art

My Art
W.A.L.T.copying the outline of a image. 
I'm not a artist, I'm not really even that good at art. But this dose not make me dislike it. In fact its one of my favorite things to do at school. I have made a cool art project recently . and I thought It will be cool to blog it. I quite like formula E and I thought it will be fun to draw there upcoming car what they will use in 2021.
It is not my best piece of art. If I did it again Ill make it longer and make the wheels even and the floor of the car as well. 
What do think I could do better next time?.

 this is what I was trying to draw.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

planting totara

Planting totara
it was Saturday school for the week was over. this would be amazing because you could go see your friends. but sadly this was not the case thanks to lock down so i was bored at home until i saw my mum and dad up on top of the hill. I was curios so i went up to see what was going on. They were planting trees I asked if they needed help "we do not need it but if you wanna help you can" my mum said. I did because I did't have anything to do. First we needed to place the plants on the ground so when they grow they wont hit each other. Then we dug holes to put the plants in then we went and fulled in  the holes with dirt that we dug so we didn't need more dirt. as we were doing this i grabbed some water from inside because my dad was thirsty from digging the holes after that my job was taking  the plants to my dad who was digging the holes then my mum and sister were planting the trees ones we had finished on top of the hill we went to the bottom of the hill to plant the rest there weren't meany so i didn't need to help. so then I made a step then my sister joined then my mum then my dad. once we finished we went up to the hose and had some lunch.

Friday, May 1, 2020

my art

if you have read the last post I've published you would know that in the lock down we(my class nikau) have been doing projects at home. We do these projects in the afternoon in are final block of school.
I've already have done cooking what was fun. But i needed to come up with a new project. I chose to do art. I looked on YouTube for a cool pattern video. I found one what looked cool so I chose it. and did that same things that he did.